Backstab HD v1.2.0.Apk+Data

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Description:Backstab HD
The action of the game happens in the 18th century in one of the Caribbean islands. You are Henry Blake, the officer of royal fleet of England in the past, you need to help him with aspiration to justice and revenge. Use your dexterity, cunning, deadly fighting skills for defeat of the opponent and everyone who becomes on your way. In the game there’s quite big and beautiful world which has a set of traced elements, and for orientation in this space you are given a map. Also there will be a pointer which shows the direction you need to go for a performance of the mission. By the way, missions in the game are the most various - from simple, to carry a parcel to other place, to quite fascinating, to destroy some large ships.


Download Links:

PowerVr & Samsung:

Andreno,Sony & HTC
[APK]   [DATA]

Installation :
  • Install APK.
  • Extract the sd data using RootExplorer or ZarciVer on android or winrar on pc.
  • extract rar []
  • Copy "GloftSDHP" folder to "sdcard/gameloft/games/"
  • Enable ( 2g,3g or Wifi )for @1st Run To Verify Files
  • 2nd Time Play (Offline) 

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